Welcome to our Fountain Plains, Matuu Phase V
Size: ⅛acre ie. 50 by 100
♧1Hr Drive from Thika Town and 1Hr, 49mins drive from Nairobi CBD
♧17 minutes Drive from Matuu Town.
♧800mtrs from kithyoko market and the busy Garissa highway.
Value additions
°Clean water & electricity on site
°Well graded and compacted internal roads
° Perimeter fence & permanent beacons
Nearby key social amenities
°kithyoko primary school, Mwatungo primary and junior secondary, chiefs camp, kithyoko level three hospital, kithyoko polytechnic, hardware shops & supermarkets
°Friendly and fully developed Neighborhoods.
800mtrs from kithyoko market, Exit at kithyoko Rubis fuel station.
Cash Price: Ksh. 225,000/= (ksh. 70,000 Deposit, balance in 30 days)
6 Months: Ksh. 250k (ksh.70,000 Deposit)
We have Free Site visits on Wednesday's & Saturday's at 10:00am
1. The Title Deeds are Free Hold
2. Prices are inclusive of Title Deed Processing Fee
3. Title Deed within a maximum of 90 working days